October 5, 2024

Culture Snapshot: 8 of the most popular classic novels

5 min read

Authentic and authentic foreign literary novels can be a favorite for students with excellent English scores. Do you have a favorite among our eight favorite classics?01 Pride and PrejudiceRecommended reasons:Pride and Prejudice is the representative work of Jane Austen and is listed as one of the world’s ten most enduring novels. The novel takes the love entanglements caused by pride and prejudice between the hero and heroine Darcy and Elizabeth as the clue, and writes about four marriages: Elizabeth and Darcy, Jane and Bingley, Lydia and Wickham, Charlotte and Collins.

Classic quote:

Pride has more to do with our opinion of ourselves, vanity with what we want others to think of us.

02Middlemarch Recommended reasons:

Middlemarch has two main threads. The first is the disastrous marriage and disillusioned ideal of the idealistic girl Dorothea, and the second is the tragic marriage and career failure of the young doctor Lydgate. Using contrast, symmetry, parallelism and repetition, the author skillfully interweaves these two threads together, filling them with numerous characters and successfully presenting the disillusionment theme of “society defeating people”.

Classic quotation The growth of good in the world depends in part on trivial acts, and it is partly due to those who have lived a faithful life without being heard, and rest in unvisited graves, that we are not so miserable as we are.03 Mrs. Dalloway Recommended reasons:

Mrs Dalloway describes a day’s activities of a senator’s wife. With her birthday dinner party as the hub, two distinct models are highlighted: the “great doctor” Bradshaw, who represents the upper society and the force of habit, and the commoner Smith. At the same time to the British society at that time in the middle and upper class of various characters in the portrait.

Classic quotation But somehow in the streets of London, here and there, through the ups and downs of life, she survived, Peter survived, in each other’s hearts. She was convinced that she was part of the woods, part of the ugly, run-down house, part of people she had never met. She spread out like a mist among those she knew best, and they lifted her on their branches as she had seen the trees lift the mist, and she spread so far, her life, herself.

04 Frankenstein Recommended reasons: The story, known as the jumping corpse, has been adapted into plays and films many times, and has attracted many readers and viewers. Frankenstein, the protagonist of the novel, is a biologist who is keen on the origin of life. With a criminal mind, he frequently haunts the morgue and tries to piece together a huge human body with various parts of different corpses. When the monster finally comes to life and opens his eyes, Frankenstein is frightened by his ferocious appearance and abandons him. He pursued Frankens for companionship, warmth, and friendship; Followed by a series of bizarre suspense and murder……

Classic quotation Don’t forget, I’m your creation. I’m supposed to be your Adam. But now I am like an angel banished from heaven, whose joy you have deprived without cause. I see happiness everywhere, but I’m the only one left out. My nature is also kind, good, it is pain let me become a demon. Please let me be happy, so that I may become virtuous again. 05 Vanity Fair Recommended reasons:

Peggy Sharp, the daughter of a poor painter, lost her parents at an early age, but she was brilliant. After working her way through boarding school and starting as a governess, she seized every opportunity to sharpen her head into Victorian high society and become a shining social star.

Classic quotation The world is a mirror, in which every man may see his own reflection. You frown at it, and it gives you a sour look. You laugh at it and laugh with it, and it is a happy and kind companion; So young people have to choose between these two paths.06 Wuthering Heights Recommended reasons:

Charlotte and her biographers tell us that Emily was by nature independent, open-minded, innocent, resolute, passionate and introverted. She is quite masculine and loves the wasteland in which she grew up. She always lives in isolation, apart from brotherhood, and prefers to be friends with nature. From her poems and life behaviors, it can be seen that her cosmological view and outlook on life are the unity of nature and man.

Classic quotation He will never know how much I love him, not because he is handsome, but because he is more like me than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are exactly the same.

07 David Copperfield Recommended reasons:When we talk about English literature, we cannot but mention Dickens; You can’t talk about Dickens without talking about David Copperfield. Russian writer Leo Tolstoy once put the book and the Bible, praised as “all the best English novel”, is a rare classic in the history of literature.

Classic quotation An annual income of twenty pounds, an annual expenditure of nineteen pounds nineteen shillings and sixpence, results in happiness. An annual income of twenty pounds, an annual expenditure of twenty pounds and sixpence, results in misery.

08 Great Expectations Recommended reasons:

Great Expectations is one of Dickens’s most mature works. It is his later work. The story is set between the eve of Christmas 1812 and the winter of 1840. The main character, orphaned PIP, uses autobiographical techniques to describe the three stages of his life from the age of seven. The novel follows Dickens’s style of writing as a Taoist, expressing his views on life and humanity through the ups and downs of orphans in the drama.

Classic quotation I love her against reason, against my future, against my self-control, against my hope, against my happiness, against all the despondency and disappointment that I am doomed to taste. But once I fell in love with her, I couldn’t help loving her.