October 5, 2024

Eating habits of countries around the world

10 min read

The eating habits and taste characteristics of various gardeners and nations in the world are also different. At the same time, people of different nationalities and different situations still have some taboos in terms of eating habits. Therefore, it is also helpful for us to understand and master various foreign eating habits.European and American eating habits The eating habits of European and American countries have their own characteristics. The following mainly introduces the situation of Britain, France, Germany, Italy, the United States and other countries.

German cuisine.

Germany: Some say that Germans eat best in line with nutritionists’ advice to eat well early in the morning, full at noon and light at night. They always pay more attention to breakfast, lunch, dinner is simple. Like other European countries, they like to eat pork, beef, chicken, duck and game, as well as cakes, desserts and various fruits, especially beer. Munich is the world famous “beer city”. However, Germans do not eat much fish, shrimp and seafood, and there is a custom of not talking while eating fish. They also do not like too fat, spicy food, more avoid eating walnuts. Germans at dinner like to turn off the lights, only a few small candles, faint candle, wine flavor, emotional sentiment is very romantic.

Italian cuisine.

Italy: Italy uses a variety of pasta dishes, such as scallion rolls, wontons, macaroni, pasta, etc., which is a key feature of the Italian diet. What’s more, Italians usually eat it when it’s ripe, which is rare in other countries. There is a popular and famous pasta dish in Italy called pizzetta. The exquisite production method is baked with charcoal fire on ceramic bricks, and the filling on the cake is mostly cheese, ham, sausage, tomato, eggplant and so on. The smell of freshly baked pizzas is delicious and mouthwatering.

American fast food.

United States: The American diet is very quality, not quantity, which is very close to the British diet. Also like to eat beef, pork, chicken, fish, shrimp, eggs and a variety of fresh vegetables and fruits. Dishes are often fried, roasted and fried. Like fried lamb chops, fried pork chops, fried chicken, fried prawns… That all sounds mouth-watering enough. Americans generally do not use seasoning in the kitchen, are put on the table, please help yourself. It is not only to save the cook, but also to eat people’s taste, the best of both worlds.

Americans like to eat light not greasy, salty and sweet food, do not eat garlic and hot and sour food, more do not eat fat meat, steamed and braised food, avoid eating animal offal. Love to drink mineral springs, water, Coca Cola, beer and other drinks. Whiskey, brandy and other alcoholic drinks are usually drunk as tea.

Americans value time and efficiency very much. They require three meals a day to be nutritious, delicious, and quick and convenient. Thus, the fast food industry was born, among which the most popular foods are “hot dogs” (sausages on bread), hamburgers and doughnuts.

Britain: The average British family has three meals a day (i.e. breakfast, lunch, dinner). They have lunch for dinner. Wealthy families have four meals a day (i.e., breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner). Breakfast is usually oatmeal or big cereal, porridge made with milk, sugar or salt, ham and eggs, cream bread or jam bread; Cold meat, potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, lettuce, beets and other cold dishes for lunch; Tea is usually at 4 to 5 p.m., the content is tea, cake, bread; Dinner is a formal meal, with formal dress and rich dishes. The English generally love to eat crispy scallion cake; Herring and mackerel are especially popular in many British seaports.

British people at dinner, generally love to drink beer, but also like to drink whiskey and other strong alcohol. Since Chinese tea was introduced to Britain in the 17th century, the British people have formed an indissoluble bond with tea. Instead of only drinking coffee and beer in the past, most real British people now drink “bed tea” (morning) and “afternoon tea” in the afternoon. They usually eat British or French western food; They are also very appreciative of Chinese food and enjoy eating it. There is at least one Chinese restaurant in every town in Britain. They are usually used to holding a fork in the left hand and a knife in the right hand, and like to have condiments on the table.

Britain’s roast beef and Yorkshire pudding is known as the national dish. It is cooked in an oven with beef and potatoes and meat from a beef loin, eggs, milk and noodles. It is served with a side of singly cooked greens, known as “roast beef and Yorkshire pudding”.

French Cuisine -1.

France: France is one of the three culinary kingdoms in the world.

The most important characteristic of French cuisine is the preparation of complex seasoning (sauce) is extremely exquisite, the selection of materials is very fresh, even many dishes are eaten raw. Commonly used cooking methods include baking, frying, diving, frying, stewing, braising, etc. Dishes are heavy fat, thick, crisp, rotten, taste salty, sweet, wine aroma. Meat dishes are always accompanied by a variety of vegetables. The use of wine on seasoning is strictly according to the rules, and the dishes must be cooked with what wine. France’s most famous gourmet is foie gras, it and black bacteria (truffle bacteria), black caviar known as the three treasures of food. French meal drinking is also very particular, eat what kind of food with what kind of wine. A glass of Vermouth or whiskey aperitif is usually drunk before a dish, dry sour wine is drunk with fish, red wine is drunk with meat, etc.

The French attach great importance to cooking skills. They pay attention to the color, aroma, taste, shape and operation of dishes to master heat. There is a prominent feature in French cuisine, especially the emphasis on the degree of tenderness. Because they generally like to eat slightly raw, extremely tender delicious food. Dry cool is one of the main foods on the French dinner table. They like to fill their sandwiches with cheese or pastas, and enjoy them as a snack with tea. French people are generally happy to drink raw water (tap water), not used to drinking boiled water.

Turkish cuisine.

Turkey is a very gastronomic country. It is one of the three famous gastronomic countries in the world. Besides bread, the traditional staple food is mutton, wine, dim sum… However, Turkish dim sum is a little sweet for those who are afraid of fat or sweets. Despite this, Turkey is a wine mecca and a fruit kingdom. The four seasons are distinct for Turkey’s fruit varieties, brewing a natural rich food kingdom. Local people like to eat mutton and veal, especially like to skewer the mutton to roast, cut the meat with a knife and eat bread, can be said to be Turkey’s McDonald’s. The current street snack Shawarma is said to have been introduced from Turkey. Instead of chicken as the main ingredient of Shawarma, in fact mutton in Turkey is the proper Shawarma. Because of their love of mutton, in order to clean their mouth, local people often use a variety of sour small cucumber dishes.

Nepalese cuisine.

Nepalis usually eat two meals a day, usually milk tea and biscuits in the morning. Dinner for the main meal, generally more attention. Always eat rice or pasta with some dishes. They are used to eating Western food and are extremely happy to taste Chinese food. They are used to eating with a knife, fork or chopsticks, and used to eat with their hands.

Mexican food.

Mexico is the land of corn, many people like to drink corn porridge, eat tortillas, whether the poor rich, are regarded as delicious. When they entertain foreign guests, they often want to serve a unique home delicious cactus dish, so that the guests are amazed. Mexico is rich in chili, they can also eat chili, if compared with Sichuan people eat spicy, they are no inferior. Some people even eat fruit, are happy to sprinkle a little chili noodles to eat. The indigenous Aztec people of Mexico regard frogs, tadpoles, agave worms, shrimp, ants, crickets, water flies, fly eggs, etc. as delicacies, and some are considered superior delicacies. They are used to eating western food, but they also like Chinese food.

Brazilian cuisine.

“Black bean” is the main food that Brazilians must eat every day, to make black bean rice. Brazil’s national dish, beans, is cooked with pork hoof, chop suey and black beans in a casserole. “Barbecue” is one of the favorite dishes in Brazil, a national dish, or a popular dish. As a result, many Brazilians have ovens in their homes for dinner or at home. Brazilians love tenderloin; Most people like spicy dishes.

Brazil is known as the Kingdom of Coffee. They love coffee most. They drink cup after cup of coffee every day just like Chinese people drink tea.

Japanese cuisine.

Japanese eating habits: There are three ways of eating in Japan: traditional food (also known as Washoku), Chinese food (also known as Chinese food) and Western food (also known as Western food). I like porridge, milk and bread for breakfast. Rice is the main course for lunch and dinner. Love to eat lean pork, beef, mutton, chicken, eggs, bamboo shoots, tofu and a variety of fresh vegetables. Perhaps because they are surrounded by the sea and eat by the sea, Japanese people pay special attention to fish, shrimp, crabs, oysters, kelp and other seafood, especially oyster meat and sashimi, forming a unique style of Japanese diet. In addition, there are two dishes on the Japanese table that are essential for the meal. One is kimchi and the other is miso soup. It is a traditional breakfast in Japan with plain rice and miso soup. In Japan, miso soup is called “mother’s craft”. It is made mainly of sauce and cooked with vegetables, tofu, shiitake mushrooms and seaweed.

Japanese people usually drink a cup of green tea before a meal. They attach great importance to tea ceremony and tea ceremony. The so-called tea ceremony is a kind of etiquette for communication in the form of tea party, but also a special art of brewing and tasting tea. Since the tea ceremony is very complicated, it is considered to be an excellent expression of identity and self-cultivation. In the general tea ceremony, there are two ways to drink tea. One is that each guest drinks a bowl; The other is a bowl of tea each drink only one bite, by all the guests to drink.

Korean cuisine.

The main characteristics of Korean diet: high protein, vegetables, light, avoid greasy, taste to cool spicy. Koreans have eaten rice as a staple food since ancient times. Dishes to stew and roast mainly, basically do not do stir-fry. Koreans prefer noodles, beef, chicken and dog meat to steamed buns, mutton and duck.

Cold dishes are popular among Koreans. Cold dishes are made by cutting vegetables or blanching them with boiling water and mixing them with condiments. There are also raw fish, fish and shrimp paste dishes. Raw fish mix is made by cutting raw meat and fish into slices, adding ingredients, shredded radish and pears, and adding vinegar sauce or hot sauce. Soup is also an essential part of the meal, it is usually cooked with vegetables, mountain vegetables, meat, soy sauce, salt, vegetables and other raw materials.

South Koreans love to eat hot peppers, which are used in almost all domestic dishes. Koreans eat four meals a day in the morning, at noon, in the evening and at night. Koreans eat with spoons and chopsticks. Each person has his own rice bowl and soup bowl, and all other dishes are placed in the middle of the table for everyone to enjoy. Koreans also use rice bowl is very particular, divided into men’s, women’s and children’s use. Koreans pay attention to frugality. Whether they eat for themselves or entertain the poor, they eat all the food they can.

The eating habits of the famous countries in Southeast Asia:

Thai food.

For breakfast, Thai people like to eat lard cake, sweet bread, dumplings, sardines, soup noodles, Western dim sum, fried eggs, chicken porridge, milk or coffee. In daily life, rice is the staple food, like to eat fish, but do not eat sea cucumber. Like drinking wine, orange juice. Moreover, it is interested in Sichuan cuisine and Guangdong Guangdong Province.

Burmese cuisine.

Burmese people prefer both Chinese and Western food. Daily beef, chicken, duck, fish, shrimp, eggs and a variety of vegetables based, Chinese food especially need light vegetables or cold greens. Taste is like fresh, sweet and sour, seasoning commonly used curry, chili oil, among them, chili oil is a must for meals. They don’t eat pork, they don’t eat offal, some of them don’t eat four-legged animals. After dinner, have black tea and coffee.

Philippine cuisine.

Famous dishes in the Philippines include shrimp soup, meat candle garlic, curry chicken, and charcoal roasted pig. They use spicy condiments in their cooking, which is heavily influenced by Spain.

Cambodian cuisine.

Cambodian tastes are similar to those of our Cantonese. Like to eat prawns, lettuce, chicken, taste slightly spicy. Because many people in Cambodia believe in Buddhism and avoid killing, they cherish all animals and do not eat animal food. They like to eat vegetarian food. They eat very interesting meals, without tables and chairs, nor bowls, chopsticks, knives, forks, cups, plates, etc. They only sit on the ground with their feet back and eat with their hands.

Singapore cuisine.

Singapore: There are many Chinese in Singapore, so the taste is similar to that of Fujian and Guangdong. The staple food is rice or steamed buns. Love fried fish fillet, fried shrimp, fried fish and so on.

Vietnamese cuisine.

Vietnamese people like to eat fish, shrimp, crab, sea cucumber, shark fin and all kinds of seafood and chicken, vermicelli, macaroni, tomatoes and so on. Don’t like dessert, lamb, bean sprouts. Breakfast generally eat wontons, salty steamed buns. The staple food for lunch and dinner is rice, requiring less meat and more vegetables, and the taste is light. Usually tea and coffee as the main drinks.What kind of food do you like?