October 5, 2024

Man’s greatest upbringing: etiquette

4 min read

Dale Carnegie is known as the “father of adult education” in the United States. His book Human Weakness collects the essence of his thoughts and the most touching contents, which is the author’s most successful inspirational classic.Since its publication in 1937, the book has sold 90 million copies, been translated into 58 languages, and is one of the world’s most enduring bestsellers, ranking firmly at the top of the list of self-help books. It is known as “the world’s first book on Success” and “the world’s best-selling, most classic and most practical reference book for people”.

What makes this book timeless is Mr Carnegie’s insight into human nature and its effective prescription for eradicating its foibles. As Carnegie said, “Only 15 percent of a person’s success is due to his expertise. And 85 percent is due to his ability to express ideas, lead others, and inspire others.” As long as you study it over and over again, it will help you acquire the 85 percent of abilities necessary for success.

We should all be brave to be our own masters, and never let our hearts full of inferiority and frustration. Learning to have “optimistic, easy to communicate with people concept”, with a positive and sunny attitude forward, in their daily life and social communication with people, we can face their work and life again, enjoy a happy life.

Former Soviet educator Sukhomlinsky said:

“In the garden of the human mind, the most simple, the most beautiful and the most ordinary flowers, is human upbringing”.

But this seemingly simple, beautiful and ordinary things are often difficult to adhere to.

Etiquette is a kind of good quality rooted in the heart.

Before speaking of propriety, we should first ask ourselves what is breeding?

Some people say: upbringing is a person’s moral cultivation, is a person from childhood need to learn a rule, but also in the treatment of people, maintain a sense of proportion.

It can be said that a man of propriety knows that no matter who he gets along with, he should keep a necessary sense of proportion.

A person’s heart with propriety, in fact, in the face of some choices, nature can also breed infinite courage and fearless strength.

A polite person, naturally is educated person, and once in reality encounter the “road to see uneven” things, nature will be able to do “draw a knife to help”.

Speaking propriety and education, we will naturally manage our own words and deeds, restrain and manage ourselves consciously.

Manage yourself, learn to treat people with courtesy, correct attitude, in order to achieve stability.

Let propriety and righteousness become the cultivation in the bones.

Dmitri Likhachev said in on Breeding:

“Good breeding comes not only from home and school, but from ourselves”.

The reason why a person is self-restraint, the reason why he has become polite, cultured, is not that he was born with, but by the education of the day after tomorrow.

Similarly, whether a person has self-cultivation and breeding, not only can be harvested from family and school, but also can rely on their own initiative to seek.

Sometimes, without being reminded, you can be yourself consciously and with the discipline to let yourself shine.

As Liang Xiaosheng once said, “Culture is the cultivation rooted in the heart, the self-consciousness without conscious reminding, the freedom based on constraints, and the kindness for others.”

A lot of people, it seems that they have not taken many lessons, and it is true that they did not get any diploma, but their ethics, self-cultivation and breeding revealed in their bones will make people around them feel like spring breeze, comfortable.

This is because even though these people do not have the so-called high education, nor have they learned much culture, they can constantly accumulate and polish themselves in real life, find the beauty of the world, and also full of expectations for the present.

Such a person, even after suffering, still has a great love for life, even though he has seen the sordid nature, but still has faith in the people he cares about.

People with this mindset, no matter how difficult the moment is, will always try their best to walk down the fine road and enjoy the flowers in front of them.

On the other hand, if a person is a hypocrite, even in front of people always behave very polite, educated, can one day because of interest entanglement, gain and loss entanglement and their lack of self-restraint side.

“Vegetable Roots Tan” writes:

“A well-bred person does not blame others for their petty faults, do not expose others’ secrets, and do not judge others’ past and evil”.

An educated man values details and patterns. A man of propriety pays attention to his character and focuses on morality.

Speak polite, speak moral.

A well-bred person usually makes everyone around him feel comfortable.

A person who knows how to speak politely and morally, knows how to care about others’ feelings, knows how to empathize with others, and will try to empathize with others.

The real polite people are not pretend, is the bone silently revealed, and these people are always able to give others a sense of comfort, and the right sense of pleasure.

May you become a polite person, pay attention to proportion, pay attention to politeness, value morality, talk let people like, do things let people feel at ease, let people miss.