October 5, 2024

Many predictions of the new science, confirmed the revolution of Western science life!

9 min read

All scientific systems are based on assumptions. The closer the premise is to the natural facts, the closer the scientific theory is to the truth. Science is to progress on the basis of the constant proximity of the premise hypothesis to the natural facts. Western science, despite its great success over the past few hundred years, is not the truth, because there may well be something fundamentally wrong with its premise. This is the understanding of space, it has been assumed that space is empty, but more and more people think that space may be continuous matter; The second is the understanding of the basis of matter, which has long assumed the existence of a few elementary particles, but more and more people think that everything may be organized by the same kind of matter. If this is true, then science is bound to have an even greater scientific revolution. Indeed, a new scientific revolution is on the horizon, based on the assumption of qi monism: It tells us that the continuous unity of matter in the infinite universe is not static, but exists in the tension of mutual oppression. It is the nature of all living things to resist the oppression of the surrounding matter, and it is the existence of this nature that the local matter is constantly organized in the resistance to the oppression of the surrounding matter into a transient ordered structure. Everything we observe is organized by a uniform substance, but the circumstances in which it was first produced give it a different character. On this premise, a whole new system of science emerged. It is not reductionist science in the West, but systematic science in the East. Just look at the description of Qi monism, which explains everything in nature with the convergence and dispersion of a kind of matter. In fact, convergence is the generation of the material system, and dispersion is the demise of the material system, which is a typical system science. As for the western system science, because it does not admit the continuity of matter in space, it makes the problem of life impossible to understand, and it does not admit the complete unity of matter, it makes the problem of universal connection impossible to understand. Without the solution of these core problems, this system science is an empty frame without a soul, and it cannot solve any practical system phenomenon. Once the western system science is reconstructed on the basis of the hypothesis of Qi monism, a complete system of system science will appear. We can use it to explain all the systematic phenomena in nature and promote a new round of scientific revolution.

So how does this system science change our understanding? Let’s take a look at the implications of systems science:

First: all things are one, the unity of matter is living. In Western science, matter is dead and cannot be pushed. Energy is a mysterious thing above matter. However, according to the Qi monism, the continuous unified matter in space exists in the tension of mutual pressure. Therefore, as long as there is a material existence, it must exist in the oppression, and is itself full of energy, the unity of matter and energy. In other words, the unified matter is living, and all things are formed by the convergence of the same flow of life. The reason why there is life and death is only relative to the material system.

Second: matter is immortal, it only converges and disperses. In western science, matter can disappear into energy, and energy can produce matter out of nothing. But according to the Qi monism, unified matter can only gather and disperse, but not birth and death. It is only because matter is unified that the substance of the precision instrument is essentially the same as the substance to be observed, and that it can only observe what is organized by the unified substance and has a personality, while the chaotic state of the universal unified substance can never be observed. So just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. The disappearance of matter into energy, in fact, matter from the release of energy, energy out of thin air to produce matter, but is chaotic state of matter by the action of energy, reunite it.

Third: entity and field are unified. Unified matter has two forms of existence, one is an ordered state, it is relatively stable, called substance; One is disorder, which is in constant convergence and dispersion, known as a field. We enlarge the time scale of the energy field, in which the convergence of matter is the birth of the system, and the dispersion of matter is the death of the system. In other words, the entities that appear in this field are simply short-lived, whereas the ordered ones are relatively long-lived and stable, but they still have a process of convergence and dispersion.

Fourth, all elementary particles are different patterns organized by a unified matter. Unified matter has only one common, but why the emergence of different personalities? It is only because the continuous unity of matter in space exists in asymmetrical motion that the difference in the environment of the initial production causes the organized objects to appear different personalities. It should be noted that many of the particles discovered by science are extremely short-lived particles, which are born and die quickly, with different cycles. But in observation, since the chaotic state in the middle is not observable, we treat it as a stable particle, such as the electron.

Fifth: Light is transmitted by the periodic convergence and dispersion of continuous unified matter in space. Modern science developed on the basis of the denial of the aether, when light could be understood only as a stable particle, and why it should fluctuate was beyond comprehension. But to view light on the basis of the monistic assumption of gas, it depends on the continuity of the unity of matter in space periodic convergence and dispersion, convergence makes it behave as particles, periodic transformation makes it behave as waves. In other words, the particle here is just a very short-lived particle, it’s created quickly, it dies quickly, cycles change, and energy is transferred from pack to pack in this way.

Sixth: electrons are not stable particles, electric current is not a directional movement of electrons. If there is continuous uniform matter in space, then the uniform motion of the electron indicates that it is not a particle, but a packet of energy transmitted by the transformation of the life and death of particles. However, the precision instrument can only observe the convergence state, but not the dispersion state in the middle, and the transformation speed is too fast, so that we feel it like a stable particle in continuous motion. Electric current is not the directional movement of electrons, but the movement of energy packets that depend on the life and death of particles.

Seventh: The forces of nature are unified in the different levels of the material system. Qi monism explains everything in nature in terms of the convergence and dispersion of one kind of matter. Agglomeration shows attraction to the outside world, while dispersion shows repulsion. The different forces of nature arise only because of the level of matter, and a universal relation corresponds to a level of matter and also to a force of nature. In other words, there is a force of nature in any kind of material system, but the medium through which it is transmitted makes them very different in size.

Eighth: Gravity is rooted in the organization of matter. It is impossible for there to be attraction between all things and unified matter. The origin of attraction phenomenon is organization, which causes the compression of phase space and makes chaotic matter in the surrounding space flow asymmetrically here, forming gravitational phenomenon. The reason why everything has gravity is because everything is life, it has the function of organization, with organization, there is gravity phenomenon.

Number nine: There are gravitational waves corresponding to galaxies and stars. Uniform matter has two modes of motion, one is linear, that is, relatively invariant entities continuously moving through space, such as bullets; One is nonlinear, that is, it relies on the continuous orderly and disordered periodic transformation of matter at a certain level of the system space to transfer energy, such as electromagnetic wave. The so-called universal connection refers to the latter kind of movement. Galaxies and stars are a kind of life system, in which there is a fast way to transmit information, it is gravitational waves, which is caused by the intense competition of protons, it causes the periodic birth and death of protons, which causes the periodic convergence and dispersion of continuous unified matter in space, which is gravitational waves. Because it may be a longitudinal wave, it does not form an ordered structure, so it is impossible to observe with precision instruments.

Number ten: The universe was not created by the Big Bang. The real universe is infinite, and the continuous unified matter in it exists in the continuous convergence and dispersion. What we see is the convergence of the unified matter, but some of the volume is large, some of the volume is small, some of the life span is long, some of the life span is short, but the principle of their existence and development is the same. The same is true of the universe observed in Western science. It is just a huge material system of an infinite universe, but it is a little larger in size and a little longer in life. The current universe is still growing in order, and is by no means on the way to extinction.

Eleven: The Sun shines with energy from galactic space. According to the Qi monism, all things exist in resistance to the asymmetric motion of matter in the surrounding space, and the production of resistance energy is the basis of their continuous motion. The same is true of the sun, which is a living system that exists in defiance of the asymmetric movement of matter in the space of the Milky Way galaxy. It is still growing in order at present, and its mass is constantly increasing, which can never be decreasing. The energy of the sun’s light comes from the greater nature, rather than burning itself and shining.

Twelfth: Atoms are a class of living systems that exist in defiance of gravitational changes in space. According to the second law of thermodynamics, the ordered structure of the atom should have simply died long ago, but it has remained orderly. It shows that space is not empty, it should be continuous asymmetrical motion of matter, atoms is in the resistance to this asymmetrical motion to obtain the energy of continuous motion, maintain their own order. The common connection between atoms is electromagnetic waves, and the corresponding natural force is the electromagnetic force.

13. There is a special mode of energy transfer and a special force of nature in living things. Living things, like non-living things, are not only made of the same substance, but governed by the same principle. Why do they behave so differently? It turns out that organisms are generally connected by water molecules, in which the rapid progression of free hydrogen protons in the water molecular chain is the cornerstone of information transmission, and the periodic polymerization and dispersion of the ordered water layer surrounding inorganic ions is the main way of information transmission. Force is external to energy, corresponding to this special way of energy transfer, there is a special force of nature in living things, make it behave differently.

Fourteenth: The human brain is like a laser, consciousness is produced through competition. The transmission of biological information is almost exactly the same as the electromagnetic wave. Both are shear waves, but the media of transmission are different. One is water, and the other is a unified matter continuous in space. It follows that information transmission in the nerve is a medium for conveying different messages, which differ only in quantity, or in frequency, but not in quality. The various functional areas of the posterior brain cannot distinguish where the information comes from, it only processes the frequency range of the information. However, the posterior brain produces the conditioned reflex, which corresponds to the local rapid response. Consciousness is a global activity with a unified goal. And it forces other information to move synchronously with it and feed back to the whole body, which forms the whole consciousness activity.