This is Atlantic Intelligence, a limited-run series in which our writers help you wrap your mind around artificial intelligence and...
Folk Culture
This is an edition of the Books Briefing, our editors’ weekly guide to the best in books. Sign up for...
Tech evangelists like to say that AI will eat the world—a reference to a famous line about software from the...
In the fall of 2005, Johann Hari, then a young columnist for The Independent who was struggling with his weight,...
We are a little over one week removed from the verdict—that verdict—and Democrats have what they’ve long been craving: a...
The modern world runs on a kind of secular faith. Most of us turn on the faucet and expect water,...
After Donald Trump’s recent guilty verdict, the internet has seen a meme deluge analogizing Trump to Christ on the grounds...
Our most recent flu pandemic—2009’s H1N1 “swine flu”—was, in absolute terms, a public-health crisis. By scientists’ best estimates, roughly 200,000...
One of the first documents patients sign when starting in vitro fertilization asks them to consider the very end of...
As recently as two and a half weeks ago, New York Governor Kathy Hochul was bragging about her conviction to...