The soldier, a lanky, dark-haired sergeant named Vitalii Ovcharenko, met me at a gas-station café on an otherwise deserted stretch...
At first, it was the Airbnb owner I felt sorry for. I once had a friend who rented out her...
“I’d want to know if anybody nominated for a high-level job in Washington legitimately assaulted somebody … If people have...
In the video, my siblings and I stand with our mother on the large porch of a house somewhere in...
Alan Turing’s original 1950 proposal for what we now know as the Turing test—an experiment to gauge whether a machine...
The glorification of dangerous thinness is a long-standing problem in American culture, and it is especially bad on the internet,...
This is an edition of The Atlantic Daily, a newsletter that guides you through the biggest stories of the day,...
Hyundai has a lot riding on a patch of rural Georgia. In October, the South Korean auto giant opened a...
Jonathan Zittrain breaks ChatGPT: If you ask it a question for which my name is the answer, the chatbot goes...
Editor’s Note: Is anything ailing, torturing, or nagging at you? Are you beset by existential worries? Every Tuesday, James Parker...