Like many pet owners, my partner and I have a long list of nonsensical nicknames for our 10-year-old tabby, Ace:...
On the morning of July 4, 2012, two big headlines came from CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, in...
The Haitians had come to Sylacauga by bus.Two buses—possibly even three. But certainly more than one; of this, one resident...
International affairs rarely determine how Americans vote in presidential elections, but this year could be different. The Biden administration’s policies...
The story of Alexei Navalny is not funny. How could it be? We know how it ends. The Russian dissident...
This year, the Atlantic staff writer Anne Applebaum was awarded the German Book Trade’s Peace Prize for her “indispensable contribution...
Michael Keaton is a movie star who has the air of just a regular dude.That much was evident during his...
Ibogaine, a psychedelic compound found in plants native to central Africa, is notorious for the intensity of the trips it...
Before we’d even started she’d begun to clear, the whitefish salad bought special for those among us still unschmeared.So good...
About a month ago, I was greeted by a welcome sight at the gas station in Connecticut where I usually...